Monday, July 21, 2008

Annika Meets the King Salmon

Princess Annika was hungry. Her kitchen was empty so there was only one thing to do: climb into her boat and go fishing.

She pushed away from her island and started towards the center of the lake. She fixed her fishing lure, put on fresh bait and with a twist of her arm, cast her line into the waves.

Soon a humpback whale breached the waters and called out a loud "whooooooo" as water misted out its blow-hole. Princess Annika knew this whale and understood its morning greeting as Annika was able to speak with her animal friends. She cupped her hands around her mouth and returned "whoooooooo" meaning "I am well, but hungry this morning."

Not long after the great humpback disappeared back beneath the dark waters, "kawwwkkk, kawwkk" wondered a large seagull trailing Annika's boat.

"Good to see you, Big Mac," kawked Annika back. "Have you seen any fish out there, I'm hungry!"

Big Mac tipped his wings westward and Annika turned her boat in that direction.

Suddenly, Annika felt a strong tug on her fishing line. She began excitedly to reel in her line. It didn't take long before she could see her catch rising from the black of the waves. The silver scales of the salmon glistened in the water.

But, this was no ordinary salmon! Its green eyes shone back at Annika as she saw that it was wearing a golden crown.

"Please, let me go," the salmon implored. "I am the King of the Salmon and my family is waiting for me to return!"

"But, I am hungry," Annika replied. "What shall I eat if I let you go?"

"If you are kind enough to let me go, I will return and bring you delicious treats from beneath the waves. Your belly will be filled," answered the King of the Salmon. "Please, I have many children who are the princesses and princes of the salmon, and they, too, will bring you treasures!"

Annika accepted the Salmon King's promise and released him from her hook. He quickly disappeared into the deep, dark waters.

It did not take long before the waters around Princess Annika's boat were bubbling with the activity of many salmon. The Salmon King's head rose out of the water and his mouth was a juicy, vibrant stalk of green kelp.

"With this kelp you can make a fresh salad," offered the King to Annika.

Then, one after the other, the princes and princesses of the Salmon appeared before Annika to share their gifts. She lifted mussels, clams, sea urchins, sea weed, lobsters and other treats of the sea into her boat.

When the last of the Salmon had given her present to Annika, all the Salmon flipped backward with a splash and swam gracefully back to their home.

Once she returned to her island, Annika prepared the most wonderful seafood stew she had ever tasted. Her belly was full, and she would not forget how honest and generous the King of Salmon had been.

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